It all began with "Goodfellas" when Henry said "they were calling us wise guys". The first time I watched the movie has been for me a strong experience because I grow up in a similar neighborhood. I really saw with my eyes some of the scenes that are represented in the movie so I recognize myself in a wise guy. Wise because I knew all the tricks of that lifestyle and wise because I never be part of that world.
I started Wiseguyofficial with the goal to develop a personal writing style and at the same time share original thoughts and images in the hope that they can stimulate and open the minds of others.
As an independent mind who’s never been indoctrinated by the school system I’m 100% honest about what I think and what I write. Probably there will be people who’s not ready to accept the truth based on logic and wisdom and they’ll take some of my post as provocative. Well in that case I’m no so democratic so the only thing that matters is my opinion.